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New mobile app Appy Geek offers latest Tech news .

By  majid     5:02:00 am     

Ever wished for an app that would offer all the Tech news that matters to you? Discover Appy Geek, the only Tech news app that keeps you on the cutting edge of technology.

Appy Geek offers the cure for Infobesity CNET.
A nicely designed app, full of content & easy to dive in Pocket-Lint.
An app built for information junkies who want a newspaper experience without the pesky ink Mac Life.
Choose the content you want from more than 1 million topics
Discover the news you want with TagNav™
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Set custom alerts on your favourite topics so you never miss a thing
Express you mood in app or share it with friends on Facebook

Src: http://www.dhakatribune.com/sc

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